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Town of Hotchkiss, Colorado

"Friendliest Town Around"

Hotchkiss Information


The Town is accepting applications for a Police Officer and a Water class B/Sanitation Class C Licensed Operator.

See Job Opportunities for more information.

What's New....


Outside Water Restrictions

Outside water restrictions enacted on June 12, 2024 remain in effect.

Due to the drought and water shortage, the Town of Hotchkiss is implementing water usage restrictions.  


When watering lawns, gardens or any outdoor landscaping we ask all citizens with the odd numbered address to water on odd numbered calendar days and all of the even numbered addresses water on even numbered calendar days.  

We ask that you conserve water in any way possible.  Please be attentive to how and what water is being used for.  

Thank you, we appreciate your consideration and attention to conserving our water resources.

Ordinance 2024-01 

First reading for the draft of Chapter 17, Public Peace, Morals and Welfare passed at the October 10, 2024 Board of Trustees Council Meeting.

Click here for the draft of Chapter 17


Ordinance 2024-03 

An Ordinance of the Town of Hotchkiss, Board of Trustees terminating Ordinance No. 2015-03.

Click here for the Ordinance. 


If you have any questions, please call (970) 872-3663 or visit the Clerks at the Town Hall.



In-Town Recycling Services

The Town of Hotchkiss is looking into providing recycling services to those that are within the Town limits. This service will be incorporated into the contract waste company Bruin Waste Management that the Town uses for trach services. Please call the Clerk's Office at 970-872-3663 or for additional information.

House Bill 21-1162, The Colorado Plastic Pollution Reduction Act

) In 2021, the Colorado Assembly passed the House Bill 21-1162. The act prohibits store and retail food establishments from providing single-use plastic carryout bags to customer on and after January 1, 2023. These establishments will need to impose a 10-cent charge for each recycled paper carryout bags and/or single-use plastic carryout bags provided at the point of sale beginning January 1, 2023. This also prohibits retail food stores from distributing an expanded polystyrene(i.e. Styrofoam) for use as a container for ready-to-eat food beginning on January 1,2023. 

Impacted store will need to display signage in conspicuous locations to notify customers of this fee. Impacted stores will need to keep an accurate record of the total amount of fees collected and remit 60% of the total to the Town. These fees collected must be remitted to the Town on a quarterly basis, based on total amount collected in the previous quarter. It is recommended that each begin remittance as early as April 2023, but the first remittance must occur no later than April 2024. The first remittance payment must account for all fees collected starting January 1, 2023. After April 2024, remittance must occur regularly on a quarterly basis. Impacted store may retain 40% of the total fees collected, and the funds do not count as revenue for the purpose of calculating sales tax. The State of Colorado will not be collecting these fees, it is the impacted businesses responsibility to remit the fees to the Town.

To access the full text of HB21-1162, click here.

For questions about the rules and regulations or for assistance in determining if your store is impact by the Colorado Plastic Reduction Act, please contact the Town of Hotchkiss at 276 W Main Street Hotchkiss, CO 81419 or by calling 970-872-3663.

House Bill 21-1110, Colorado Laws For Persons with Disabilities

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Town of Hotchkiss is working in hand with the Town's IT company, to offer accessibility to programs, services and meetings that are readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability requiring information or material in an alternative format or other accommodations, please contact the Town Staff. Town Clerk Ginger Redden can be reached at and Deputy Town Clerk Ashley Rodarte can be reached at or (970) 872-3663.