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Town Council


will be updated

after COVID-19

The Town Council includes Mayor Jim WingfieldMayor Pro-Tem Pat Medina, Trustee Sven EdstromTrustee Jim Jorgensen, Trustee Randy Thalmann, Trustee Custer McLeod and Trustee Roger Christian. To contact a councilmember, click on their name above.  

The Town Council meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and the meetings are public.  The Town Council consists of the Mayor and six Trustees.  All positions are elected positions unless sufficient candidate(s) are not available to fill the vacant position(s).  The Board of Trustees will then appoint a Trustee who is a qualifying citizen from within the Town of Hotchkiss to sit on the Board until the next regular election.  Current mayoral and councilmember terms are listed below.  Town Council Meeting Minutes are posted after they are approved (usually at the next scheduled meeting.  Click here to see past meeting minutes.

Mayor Jim Wingfield  April 2022 - April 2026

Mayor Pro-Tem Pat Medina  April 2022 - April 2026 (Council Term April 2022 - April 2026)

Trustee Sven Edstrom  April 2022 - April 2026

Trustee Jim Jorgensen April 2024 - April 2028

Trustee Randy Thalmann April 2024 - April 2028

Trustee Custer McLeod April 2022 - April 2026

Trustee Roger Christian April 2024 - April 2028

The Town's legal representative is Bo James Nerlin.

Request to be placed on Town Council Agenda.

To make a request to be placed on the Town Council Agenda, please fill out this form and choose "Request for Council Agenda Placement" under Subject.  All requests to be placed on the agenda must be made 72 hours prior to the meeting date.  In the message box, give a brief explanation of why you are requesting to be placed on the agenda.  Please try to keep your presentation to five minutes.  If your presentation will be longer, please note it in the message box.  To see meeting dates, please consult the Town Calendar.