Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Business License

The Town of Hotchkiss requires a no fee business registration for all businesses located within the town limits.  All licenses will expire on December 31st and will be renewable annually.  

To request an Application for a Business License, please fill out the form on the left below.  After the application is reviewed, a Business License will be issued. The Business License should be visibly displayed in the premises. 

To renew a previously issued Business License, please fill out the form on the right below.  Please include any changes to your business location, mailing, or phone information.  A new Business License will be delivered to your location.

Click here to submit a question about Town of Hotchkiss Business Licenses or call 970-872-3663.  

Application (left column) Renewal (right column)