will be updated
after COVID-19
Municipal Judge Joss:
The Honorable Judge Bruce Joss presides over the Hotchkiss Municipal Court.
Court Dates:
Court is held every first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 PM with Juvenile Court starting at 4:00 PM when needed.
If you received a Summons requiring you to appear in Court you MUST appear on the date on the Summons.
If you were served a Citation and you have decided to go to Court instead of paying the fine, you must appear in Court on the date on your Citation.
If you cannot appear in Court on the date on your Citation, please contact us at (970) 872-3848. Failure to appear could result in a warrant being issued for your arrest and/or your driving privileges being revoked. For current month Court Docket, please call 970-872-3848 or click here to email your request.
Zoom Link for Court: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87414308437
If you missed your Court Date:
Call us at 970-872-3848. Failure to appear could result in a warrant being issued for your arrest and/or your driving privileges being revoked.
Where to send your payment:
If you have been served a Citation and the Citation indicates that you may mail in the fine, you may make payment by:
- Money Order or Check
- Payable to the Town of Hotchkiss
- Mail your Citation and payment to: Town of Hotchkiss, PO Box 369, Hotchkiss, CO 81419
- Credit Card
- An Administrative Fee will be charged for the use of the Credit Card.
- Credit card payments can be made by phone at 970-872-3663 or in person at the Town Hall.