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Planning Commission


will be updated

after COVID-19

Town Ordinance 2021-03 established the current makeup of the Hotchkiss Planning Commission Board.  The Board is comprised of the Mayor, a Town Trustee, and three Citizens from the Town at Large. The Planning Commission reviews future planning of the Town’s Growth, Zoning, the Master Community Plan, Land Use and various other issues that face the Town.

Members are Mayor Jim Wingfield, Roger Christian, Sean Cantrell, Jeffrey Rodarte and Don Dybala.  The citizens from the Town at Large must be residents of the Town of Hotchkiss and registered voters. 

The Planning Commission meets the 4th Wednesday of the month.

Click here for information regarding Building Permits and Inspections.

Click here for Special Zoning Use Review and Variance Request Application.

Request to be placed on the Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

To make a request to be placed on the Planning Commission Agenda, please fill out this form and choose "Request for Planning Agenda Placement" under Subject.  All requests to be placed on the agenda must be made no later that the first Thursday of the month of the meeting.  In the message box, give a brief explanation of why you are requesting to be placed on the agenda. To see meeting dates, please click here to view the Town Calendar.